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Connecting art, humor,
and spirituality at the edges

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Image by Mihály Köles
Supporting emergent stories and storytellers, artists and actors, cultural creatives, and spiritual visionaries on the edge of a new world. 

What We Do

We invest in people and projects that are fun, generate creativity, infuse life with new ideas and perspectives, and make us laugh,

awakening what is whole and holy in us and in the world.

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Dream-stage Projects

Every year, we choose 1-2 creative projects that are in the "dream" stage, yet unformed. These projects require resources and collaboration to bring what is not yet visible, or known, into form. 

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Next-stage Projects

We support creative projects by artists, spiritual explorers, and world creators that are already in motion, but need some financial support or possibly some mentoring to get it out in the world.

Image by Christine Roy
 Multiplying Impact

Any community who wants to bring a performance, exhibit, or other creative event to their region ought to be able to afford to do so. We help to make this possible.

Starry Sky

"The universe is made of stories,

not atoms."

~ Muriel Rukeyser

Both the monk and artist are edge dwellers, ones who commit to living in fertile border spaces and who call the wider community to alternative ways of being beyond the status quo...  Living on the edges means recognizing those places and experiences that do not offer easy answers, those fierce edges of life where things are not as clear as we hope them to be.  There is also beauty in the border spaces, those places of ambiguity and mystery.


Are you an

Christine Valters Paintner. Abbey of the Arts
Contact Us


We believe in the power of the arts, and the creative spark within all people, to envision and create a new just and grace-filled world. 

411 Braun Rd Laurens, NY 13796


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